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Shopping cart guide

  1. You can't pay for both overseas and domestic shipping, so please pay separately for each shopping basket.
  2. For products that can be shipped overseas, you can put them in the domestic delivery basket and move them to the overseas delivery basket for payment.
  3. To change the quantity of the selected product, you can press the [Edit] button after changing the quantity.
  4. You can continue shopping by pressing the [Continue shopping] button.
  5. You can order only the items you want or register them as items of interest using shopping carts and products of interest.
  6. If you add the same product to your shopping cart, the file attachment option will be replaced with the last uploaded file.
  1. If you press the [Full Item Order] button, you will be able to order/pay for all selected items, regardless of the shopping basket.
  2. Please refer to the shipping cost information at the bottom of the order sheet as the actual shipping cost will be applied according to the product you order together.